Aztec Glass

40 years man and boy, the death of the quote book?

Old guys writing

40 Years Man & Boy, The Death of the Quote Book?

Forgive the title, it’s a quote that everyone of us has heard, at least if somewhat ironically we are of an age. 
Alongside you’ve never had it so easy I had to cycle to school in the snow uphill both ways!

For many businesses, the idea of changing their processes can be daunting, especially if they’ve been using the same methods for years. However, when it comes to running a glass processing business, or unit manufacturers or indeed any in the fenestration industry there are many advantages to switching from a notepad and quote book or an old legacy system to a more modern cloud-based solution. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of moving to a cloud-based solution and why it’s worth considering, even if you’ve been using traditional methods or indeed old software for decades. We get it, change hurts but provided its done wisely and with due consideration then its worth it to reap the rewards.

Improved Efficiency

One of the main advantages of using a cloud-based solution is the improved efficiency it provides. With a notepad and quote book, you have to manually enter data, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. By contrast, a cloud-based solution allows you to enter data quickly and easily, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.

Additionally, a cloud-based solution can streamline your processes by allowing you to manage everything in one place. For example, you can create quotes, track orders, manage inventory, and handle payments all from the same platform. This can save you time and reduce the need for multiple systems or tools.


Another advantage of a cloud-based solution is the ability to collaborate easily. With a notepad and quote book, it can be difficult to share information with other team members or partners. By contrast, a cloud-based solution allows you to share data with anyone who needs it, no matter where they are located.

This can improve collaboration and communication within your business, as well as with suppliers and customers. For example, you can easily share quotes with customers and receive feedback, or collaborate with suppliers to order materials and track deliveries.


While it’s true that notepads and quote books are physical and tangible, they are also vulnerable to loss, damage, and theft. By contrast, a cloud-based solution can offer robust security features to protect your data.

Cloud providers use advanced security measures to protect data from unauthorized access, loss, and theft. This includes data encryption, firewalls, and access controls. Additionally, cloud providers typically have backup and disaster recovery measures in place to ensure your data is protected in the event of an outage or other issue.

Cost Savings

Using a cloud-based solution can also provide cost savings over time. With a notepad and quote book, you may need to purchase physical supplies, such as notepads, pens, and filing cabinets. Additionally, you may need to pay for storage and other physical infrastructure.

By contrast, a cloud-based solution is typically billed on a subscription basis, which means you only pay for what you need. This can be more cost-effective than purchasing physical supplies or hardware. Additionally, a cloud-based solution can reduce IT expenses, as you won’t need to maintain physical infrastructure or hire IT staff to manage it.


Finally, a cloud-based solution can offer scalability for your business. With a notepad and quote book, your capacity to handle orders and process data is limited by the physical space and resources available. By contrast, a cloud-based solution can scale with your business as it grows.

For example, you can easily add or remove users, increase storage space, and upgrade features as needed. This can help your business to be more agile and adaptable to changing circumstances.

In conclusion, while using a notepad and quote book may have worked fine for your glass business for the past 10-20 or even 40 years, there are many reasons to consider switching to a cloud-based solution. With improved efficiency, collaboration, security, cost savings, and scalability, a cloud-based solution can help your business to be more competitive and successful in the long term.  Maybe its time to stop cycling uphill both ways…

If you are ready to update and move forward, then drop us a line or fill in the contact and we will be happy to get back to you.

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